The Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005, which came into force w.e.f. 12.10.2005, is an important legislation designed to promote transparency and accountability in the functioning of public authorities. The full text of the RTI Act is available here. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. . Detailed information on this Act is available on the DoPT
website The Embassies of India abroad are also covered under the purview of the Act.
In pursuance of the implementation of the RTI Act 2005 in the Embassy of India in Vienna, one of the officers has been designated as Public Information Officer (PIO) who is entrusted with the task of providing information to the citizens of India, requesting for information under the Act. Application for requesting information, relevant to the functioning of the Embassy of India in Vienna, can be made in writing or through electronic means on payment of the prescribed fee for obtaining such information. Applicants can also use the e-IPO facility. This facility has been provided for Indian Citizens abroad to enable them to purchase a Postal Order electronically to seek information under the RTI Act, 2005. For more details please see
In case the applicant is not satisfied with the information provided by the PIO, he/she can appeal to the Appellate Authority. Please note that the information under RTI Act can be sought only by CITIZENS OF INDIA, holding Indian passports. Persons of Indian Origin and Citizens of Indian origin are not covered by this Act.
Central Public Information Officer Under the Right to Information Act 2005 of the Government of India, application for seeking information relevant to Embassy of India in Vienna, may be addressed to the Public Information Officer in writing through a letter, fax or E-Mail. Particulars of the Public Information Officer in the Embassy of India Vienna are as follows:
Rahul Bariyar
Attache (Commerce & Project)
Embassy of India,
Karntner Ring 2,
A-1010, Vienna
Tel. - (01) 505866 16
Fax - (01) 5059219
Appellate Authority Under Right to Information Act 2005 Government of India, the application for seeking information should be addressed to Public Information Officer. However, if the applicant is not satisfied with the response, he/she may approach the Appellate Authority:
Ms Devi Gopinath,
Counsellor (IEC)
Embassy of India
Karntnering 2
A 1010, Vienna
Tel. - (01) 505 8666 15
Fax - (01) 505 9219
Under the Right to Information Act 2005 of the Government of India, information, relevant to the Embassy of India Vienna, can be obtained from the Public Information Officer in the Embassy by making an application in writing either through letter, an email or a fax. The application for seeking information can be made on payment of nominal fee of 20 cents per application. The fee can be paid either in cash or through bank transfer into the Embassy of India’s bank (Bank Austria Creditanstalt) account no. 23011 500 400.
The fees can also be paid by the electronically using the e-IPO (Electronic Indian Postal Order) facility. It is new service launched by the Department of Personnel and Training and Department of Posts to enable Indian Citizens abroad to purchase an Indian Postal Order electronically by paying fee on-line through e-Post Office Portal i.e. .
i. Please note all bank charges related to the payment of fee are payable by the applicant.
ii. Fees are subject to change without any notice.”